Main characteristics
Premium welding behavior for CV MIG & Stick welding
Suitable for even the toughest industrial conditions
Synergistic ability
Optimized ergonomics, Lincoln reliability (True HD)
Water cooling (optional COOL ARC® 26)
Input power High-performance, reliable industrial machine
The Powertec® product family is a solution for industrial applications. With its modular and compact design, this welding kit is easy to move. With the latest high-frequency inverter technology, the arc can be precisely controlled, many times faster than with traditional analog solutions. The electrical characteristics of the welding performance can be updated in real time by the software. A wide range of synergistic programs is available as standard, allowing simple yet precise control of welding parameters for the best results. Powertec® machines use the latest energy source technology for efficiency and lower energy consumption. Their advanced Inverter technology saves energy and time. With the LF-56D wire feed unit, the welding kit can support MIG processes for steel, stainless steel, aluminum and flux wires with synergistic programs.